Below you will find an introductory video for this series. Once we begin to look at the economics of comics for Math in Real Life, that content will also be added on this page.
Hope you enjoy.
I. Readings
- Mystic #6, Basil Wolverton's 'The Eye of Doom!', 1952
- Creatures of The ID, Mike Allred's Madman, 1990
- Jingle Jangle #18, 1945
- Comico Primer #5, Sam Kieth's Maxx, 1982
- Comico Primer #2, Matt Wagner's Grendel, 1982
- Jackie Gleason and the Honeymooners #12, 1958
- Whispering Valerie's Letter from Alan Moore and David Lloyd's V for Vendetta
- Reading Comics, Overview of Set #2: Review and Recommendations
- Magnus Robot Fighter #5, Rai #1, 1st Appearance, Valiant, 1991
- Weird Science-Fantasy Annual #1, EC Comics, 1952, Wally Wood, Feldstein
- Weird Science-Fantasy Annual #2, EC Comics, 1953, Ray Bradbury, Wally Wood
- The Adventures of Barry Ween, Boy Genius #1, Judd Winick, 1999, Image Comics
- Lobo #1, Dell, 1965, First African American/Black Hero to Headline a Series
- First Solo Lobo Story, Omega Men #37, #10, #9, First Appearance
- National Velvet #1, Four Color #1195, Dell Comics, 1961
- Death of Superman, Doomsday is Coming, First Appearances, 1992
- "The Fixer and Other Stories" by Joe Sacco, Juka Prazina, Soba, Sarajevo, Yugoslavia
- Reading Comics, Introduction to Set #3: Reviews and Recommendations
- Strange Tales #115, Origin of Dr. Strange, 1963, Stan Lee, Steve Ditko
- Wanted Comics #45, 1952, Reefer Madness Propaganda, "The No.1 Enemy"
- Wonder Woman #200, "The Beauty Hater!", 1972, DC Comics
- First Appearances of Bloodshot, Rai #0, Eternal Warrior #4, 1992, Valiant Comics
- Weird Science-Fantasy #28, EC, 1955, Orlando, Feldstein, Williamson
- The Crow #1 by James O'Barr, Caliber Press, 1989
- Luke Cage, Hero For Hire #1, First Appearance/Origin, Marvel, 1972
- Silver Surfer #50, Infinity Gauntlet #1, Thanos, Avengers, Marvel, 1991
- Batman, Legends of the Dark Knight #16, First Appearance Venom, Bane. DC Comics, 1991
- Mysteries of Unexplored Worlds #8, Steve Ditko, Rocco "Rocke" Mastroserio, Joe Gill, Charlton Comics, 1958
- First Appearances of Apocalypse, X-Factor #5, #6, X-Men, Marvel Comics, 1986
- First Appearance/Origin of Ghost Rider, Marvel Spotlight #5, 1972
- First Appearances of Carnage/Cletus Kasady, Venom, Amazing Spider-Man #344-347, #359-361, Marvel Comics, 1991-1992
- "The Fixer and Other Stories" by Joe Sacco, Drawn and Quarterly, 2009
- Book of Death: Legends of the Geomancer #1, Valiant, 2015
- Book of Death: Legends of the Geomancer #2, Valiant, 2015
- Book of Death: Legends of the Geomancer #3, Valiant, 2015
- Book of Death: Legends of the Geomancer #4, Valiant, 2015
- Reading Comics, Introduction to Set #4, Part 1: My Picks, 16 Books
- What Should We Read? Let Me Show You More of My Comic Book Collection
- Comic Books We Will Be Reading for Set #4: 32 Books
- "A Life Force" by Will Eisner, Contract with God trilogy #2, 1988
- Donald in Mathmagic Land: Four Color #1051, Dell Comics, 1959
- Teddy Roosevelt and His Rough Riders #1, Avon, 1950, Kinstler, Palais
- U.S. Tank Commandos #1, Korean War, 1952, Avon, Kinstler, Chu F. Hing
- Book of Death: The Fall of Harbinger #1, Valiant, 2015, Joshua Dysart, Kano, Dave Lanphear
- Harbinger #1, First Appearance, Valiant, 1992, Jim Shooter, David Lapham
- Daredevil #1, Origin and First Appearance, Stan Lee, Bill Everett, Jack Kirby, Marvel Comics, 1964
- The Tick Special Edition #1, First Appearance, Ben Edlund, New England Comics, 1988
- The Lobo Paramilitary Christmas Special #1, DC, December, 1991
- Love Scandals #1, Bill Ward, Golden Age Romance, Quality Comics/Bell Features, Canadian Edition,1950
- Sandman #8, First Appearance of Death of The Endless, Neil Gaiman, DC/Vertigo Comics, 1989
- Young Love #31 (Vol. 4, #1), Jack Kirby, Joe Simon, Golden Age Romance, Be My Valentine, Crestwood/Prize Publications, 1952
- Life Story #13, Wally Wood, Golden Age Romance, Love Comic Book, Fawcett, 1950 [ASMR]
- Interview with Gene Kelly from 1950 Published in the Golden Age Romance Comic Book 'life Story #13' [ASMR]
- Spy Fighters #9, 1952, Atlas/Marvel Comics, Sol Brodsky, Golden Age War Comic [ASMR]
- Our Love Story #16, Stan Lee, John Buscema, Joe Sinnot, Alan Weiss, Holli Resnicoff, Marvel Comics, 1972 Romance (ASMR, Timestamps in Description, First Story at 53:15)
- Dinosaurus! 1960, Dell Four Color #1120, Movie Classic (Reading Story Begins at 45:25)
- Historic Prices of Comic Books, Flipping Through a 1960's Order Catalog/Guide, Collecting [Looking Up Prices Begins at 56:00, ASMR]
- Alarming Tales #6, 1958, Ant-Man Prototype, John Severin, Al Williamson [Timestamps, ASMR]
- Mad #2, 1952, EC, Kurtzman, Davis, Feldstein, Severin, Elder, Wally Wood [ASMR]
- Reading Comics (Begins at 1:10:54): Excalibur #1, 1988 Marvel, Claremont, Davis, Neary, X-Men [ASMR]
- V for Vendetta #1, 1988, Alan Moore, David Lloyd, DC Comics (Introduction at 35:03, Reading Starts at 49:05) [ASMR]
- Western Thrills #33, Red Warrior #1, 1950, Atlas/Marvel Comics, Intro begins at (22:40) Reading at (37:38) [ASMR]
- Super Mario Brothers #1, 1990, Valiant Comics, Intro (22:49) Read (40:50) [ASMR]
- “That’s So Julian” by Angela Guyton, 2019 - Intro (21:55), Read (35:00) [Julian Assange, ASMR]
- Batman: The Cult #1, 1988, DC Comics, Joker, Intro (26:57), Read (39:45) [ASMR]
- X-O Manowar #1, 1992, Valiant, 1st Appearance, Intro (21:25) Read (31:12) [ASMR]
- Crime Does Not Pay #116, 1952, Lev Gleason, Charles Biro, Norman Maurer, John Dillinger, Intro (17:18) Read (30:54) [ASMR]
- Kid Colt #107, 1962, Marvel Comics, Jack Kirby, Stan Lee, Read (31:06) [ASMR]
- Halloween Special: Web of Mystery #10, 1952, Ace Comics - Read (57:13, see Timestamps) [ASMR]
- Halloween Special: Tales of Horror #10, 1954, Toby Press (Read 25:22) [ASMR]
- Uncanny Tales #30, 1955, Ayers, Chess Cover & Story, Marvel/Atlas Comics [ASMR]
- Bugs Bunny's Christmas Funnies #5, 1954, Dell Giant, Porky Pig, Tweety [ASMR]
- Solar, Man of the Atom #10, 1992, Valiant, 1st Eternal Warrior & Geomancer [ASMR]
- Headline Comics #27, Joe Simon, Jack Kirby, Bill Draut, 1947, Prize [ASMR]
- Superman's Girlfriend Lois Lane #70, First Silver Age Appearance of Catwoman, DC Comics, 1966 [ASMR]
- Superman #37, 1945, DC Comics, Jerry Siegel, Joe Shuster [ASMR]
- One of the Craziest Panels in Comic Book History from the Pages of T-Man #3, 1952, Quality Comics
- T-Man #3, "Death Trap in Iran!", 1952, Quality Comics, Golden Age [ASMR]
- Uncanny X-Men #266, 1990, First Appearance of Gambit, Marvel Comics [ASMR] - Full Live Stream
- I Walk With Monsters, 2020, Vault Comics [ASMR, Male, Soft-Spoken, Horror]
- Adaptation of "War Is A Racket" by Major General Smedley Butler [ASMR]
- Two Short Video Segments and Reading a Comic Book Story from Real War Stories #2: "Citizen Soldier" by Kim Yale & Dean Motter
- Real War Stories #2, Eclipse Comics, 1991 [See Timestamps, ASMR, Historical]
- Three Short Stories from Impact #3, 1955, EC Comics ...(Full Live Stream Reading of Impact #3, 1955, EC Comics)
- Drug Wars Trading Cards, 1991, Eclipse Comics: Part 1, Cards #1-18 [ASMR, Full Live Stream Reading]
- Reading of The First Nine Drug Wars Trading Cards from Eclipse Comics as Standalone Videos
- Reading Cards #10 to #18 of The Drug Wars Trading Cards from Eclipse Comics as Standalone Videos
- Drug Wars Trading Cards, 1991, Eclipse Comics: P2, Cards #19 to #36 [ASMR Reading, See Timestamps]
- Three Video Segments: Cards #19 to #21 of The Drug War Trading Cards
- Six Video Segments: Cards #22 to #27 of The Drug War Trading Cards
- Five Video Segments: Cards #28 to #32 of The Drug War Trading Cards
- Four Video Segments: Cards #33 to #36 of The Drug War Trading Cards
- "The Raven" by Edgar Allan Poe and Bill Elder, Mad #9, 1954, EC Comics [ASMR]
- "Little Orphan Melvin!" by Harvey Kurtzman & Wally Wood, Mad #9, 1954, EC Comics [ASMR]
- Mad #9, 1954, EC Comics - See Timestamps [ASMR, Male, Soft-Spoken]
- Three Short Video Segments: Reading Comic Book Excerpts: Forever People #1, Gemini Blood #1 and Astro Comics, Casper & Richie Rich
- Two Short Video Segments: Reading Comic Book Excerpts: Sandman #23 and Omega Men #30
- George Orwell’s 1984, The Graphic Novel by Fido Nesti [ASMR, Soft-Spoken]
- “Coup D'etat: The Assassination of John F. Kennedy” Trading Cards, 1990, Eclipse Comics ASMR Reading
- Girl Talk, The Question, Eyebeam, Snapshot, Zero Tolerance [ASMR, Soft-spoken]
- The Moth, Scout, Icon Devil, Read Only Memories, Asylum [ASMR, Male, Soft-Spoken]
- Coup D'etat: The Assassination of John F. Kennedy, Reading Trading Cards #1 to #4, 1990, Eclipse Comics [ASMR]
- Coup D'etat: The Assassination of John F. Kennedy, Reading Trading Cards #5 to #8, 1990, Eclipse Comics [ASMR]
- Coup D'etat: The Assassination of John F. Kennedy, Reading Trading Cards #9 to #12, 1990, Eclipse Comics [ASMR]
- Reading Comic Books: Syphons/Censorship, Saga, Zero, Go Die, Barrier - SEE TIMESTAMPS [ASMR]
- Coup D'etat: The Assassination of John F. Kennedy Trading Cards #13-24, Eclipse Comics ASMR Reading
- Seven Video Segments: Reading the Coup D'etat: Assassination of John F. Kennedy Trading Cards, Card #3 & #13 to #18 [ASMR]
- Six Video Segments: Reading the Coup D'etat: Assassination of John F. Kennedy Trading Cards, Cards #19 to #24 [ASMR]
- Six Video Segments: Reading the Coup D'etat: Assassination of John F. Kennedy Trading Cards, Cards #25 to #30 [ASMR]
- Six Video Segments: Reading the Coup D'etat: Assassination of John F. Kennedy Trading Cards, Cards #31 to #36 [ASMR]
- Reading Donald Trump Rookie Trading Card: Card #26, Rotten to the Core, 1989, Eclipse Comics [ASMR]
- Reading Comic Books: Shade the Changing Man, Trouble with Girls, Boris Karloff, Marvel & DC Comics [ASMR]
- Three Video Segments: Reading Glasses, Women in Comics & a Price Guide and Reading Boris Karloff Tales of Mystery #71
- Two Video Segments: Reading Comic Books: Shade the Changing Man, Vertigo Jam and #49 [ASMR]
- Two Video Segments: Reading Comic Books: Trouble With Girls and Dealing With the Woke in 1993
- Reading Comic Books: Two-Fisted Tales #40, Batman 243, Epic Illustrated 28, EC/DC/Marvel Comics ASMR
- Two Video Segments, Reading Comic Books: Two-Fisted Tales #40 and "The Last of the Mohicans!" by Jack Davis, EC Comics, 1955 [ASMR]
- Reading Comic Books: Batman #243, 1st Lazarus Pit, Denny O'Neil, Neal Adams, Giordano, DC, 1972 ASMR
- Three Video Segment, Reading Comic Books: Epic Illustrated #28, Dune & 2010 and "A Friendly Reminder" from Cerebus
- Reading Comic Books: Lum, Urusei Yatsura #1 by Takahashi & Rover #2 by Michael Foran [ASMR Comics, Full Live Stream]
- Rover #2, Story, Art and Cover by Michael Foran, Monkeysuit Press., 2003 [ASMR, Silent Comic]
- Reading Comic Books & Artist Write-up: Lum: Urusei Yatsura #1, Rumiko Takahashi, Viz Comics/Shogakukan,1989 Manga [ASMR]
- Reading the “Iran-Contra Scandal" Trading Cards, Part 1, Cards #1-12, 1988, Eclipse Comics [ASMR]
- Reading the “Iran-Contra Scandal" Trading Cards, Part 2, Cards #13-24, 1988, Eclipse Comics [ASMR]
- Reading the “Iran-Contra Scandal" Trading Cards, Part 3,Card #25 to #36, 1988, Eclipse Comics [ASMR]
- Six Iran-Contra Trading Card Video Segments: Introduction and Reading Cards #1 to #5
- Seven Iran-Contra Trading Card Video Segments: Reading Cards #6 to #12
- Six Iran-Contra Trading Card Video Segments: Reading Cards #13 to #18
- Six Iran-Contra Trading Card Video Segments: Reading Cards #19 to #24
- Six Iran-Contra Trading Card Video Segments: Reading Cards #25 to #30
- Seven Iran-Contra Trading Card Video Segments: Reading Cards #31 to #36 and the Insert
- Reading Comic Books: House of Secrets #81, DC Comics, 1969, Mystery, Abel [Horror Halloween ASMR]
- Three Reading Comic Book Video Segments from House of Secrets #81: “Don’t Move It!”, "House of Secrets" and "Aaron Philips' Photo Finish!"
- Comic Book Reading & Introduction: "Palestine" by Joe Sacco, 1993, Fantagraphics Comics [ASMR]
- Reading Comic Books: Palestine #1, Joe Sacco, 1993, Fantagraphics Comics [ASMR History, Gaza/Israel]
- Four Video Segments from Joe Sacco's "Palestine": "Genocidal Self-Defense", Edward Said's Forward, Joe Sacco's Forward and Endnotes
II. Framings
- Framing: Daredevil #1
- Framing: Mystic #6 and Punch #14
- Framing: Primer #2 and #5
- Let's Put Up My Framed Comics: Rotating the Art
III. Comic Book Hauls/Buys
- Let’s Check out the Comic Book Collection I Bought on Ebay, Box 1 (Set #1, Part 1)
- Let’s Check out the Comic Book Collection I Bought on Ebay, Box 2 (Set #1, Part 2)
- Comic Book Haul, Set #2: Valiant Comics, Review and Recommendations
- Comic Book Haul: Set #3, eBay Buy, Fun Parade, Golden Age Pin-ups, Marilyn Monroe
- Comic Book Haul, Set #4: Golden Age Books
- Comic Book Haul Set #5: Gold, Silver, and Bronze Age
- Comic Book Haul Set #6: Legends of the Geomancer, Valiant Comics
- Let Me Show You My Comic Book Pull List: Comics I've Been Buying for the Last Three Months
- Comic Book Haul: Picked Up Some Valiant Promos
- Comic Book Haul: Wonder Woman and Valiant Comics
- Comic Book Haul: Almost Everything Quantum and Woody, plus other Valiant Arcs
- Comic Book Haul: Gold, Silver, Bronze, Copper, and Modern Age Comics
- CGC Comic Book Haul: Primer To Investing in Comics: My Graded Comic Book Collection
- ASMR MATH: Investing in Comic Books: A Primer and Two Spreadsheets, Introduction, How to
- Comic Book Haul: Gold, Silver, Bronze, Copper, and Modern Age Comics, Set #12
- Comic Book Haul #13: Modern Age: Daredevil, Avengers, Black, Quantum & Woody, Wayward, Men of Wrath, Fearless Defenders
- Comic Book Haul #14: Twitch Live Stream: Modern Age: Daredevil, X-Men, Y The Last Man, Thor, Batman, Conan, Paper Girls, Captain America, Animal Man, Astro City, plus more
- Comic Book Haul #15, Twitch Live Stream: X-Men, Moon Knight, Archer & Armstrong, Superman, and more
- Comic Book Haul #16, Twitch Live Stream: Rachel Rising by Terry Moore
- Comic Book Haul #17, Twitch Live Stream: X-Men, Superman, Batman, Spider-Man, Wolverine, Unity, Northlanders, Unknown Soldier, and more
- Comic Book Haul #18, Twitch Live Stream: X-Men, Superman, Batman, Spider-Man, Wolverine, Unity, Northlanders, Unknown Soldier, and more
- Comic Book Haul #19: Valiant Comics History: Rai, Harbinger, Solar, Ninjak, Archer & Armstrong [ASMR Math, Soft-Spoken]
- Behind the Scenes: Live Stream of Comic Haul #19: Valiant Comics History [ASMR]
- Comic Book Haul #20: Valiant's X-O Manowar and Vertigo's DMZ [ASMR Math, Investing, Review]
- Comic Book Haul #21: Golden & Silver Age Romance Comics, Carl Barks' Donald Duck, The Walking Dead & More [ASMR]
- Comic Haul #22: Savage Dragon, Groo the Wanderer, Nick Fury: Erik Larsen, Sergio Aragones, Jim Steranko [ASMR]
- Comic Haul & History #23: Shanna She-Devil, Judo Joe, Grant Morrison's Doom Patrol, Superman [ASMR]
- Comic Book Haul #24, Gold, Silver, Bronze Age: Romance, War, Sci-fi, Crime, Walt Disney and Superheroes [ASMR]
- Comic Book Haul #25 for Our 700th Video Anniversary: Steve Ditko, Jack Kirby, Alan Moore, Jonah Hex, Sof' Boy, Speedball, Guardians of the Galaxy, The Human Fly and more [ASMR]
- Comic Book Haul Care Package, Unboxing Live Stream (Chat Is in the Description of Video, ASMR)
- Comic Book Haul & Review: Monk!, Monstress, Black Hammer, Superman, Amazing Spider-man #361 [ASMR]
- Unboxing CGC Graded Amazing Spider-man #361, First Full Appearance Carnage [ASMR, Comic Book Haul]
- Comic Book Haul: Grant Morrison's The Multivisity, DC Comics, 2014-15 [ASMR]
- Comic Book Haul #29: Spider-Man, X-Men, Daredevil, Thor, Avengers, Disney, Captain America Marvel [ASMR]
- Thank You for the Love, Reading a Letter: Chycho Fan Mail, a Comic Book Haul [ASMR Unboxing]
- Comic Book Haul #30: Golden & Silver Age Comics, a Holy Grail [ASMR, Male, Soft-Spoken, Very Happy]
- Comic Book Haul #31: Unboxing at (10:08), See Comics at (14:50) [ASMR]
- Comic Book Haul #32 (Starts 13:20): Gold, Silver, Bronze & Modern Age [ASMR, Male, Soft-Spoken]
- Comic Book Haul #33: Golden Age Jungle Girl CGC Graded & Modern Comics [ASMR, Show & Tell, Male]
- Comic Book Haul #34: Modern Age Comics (27:57) & Care Package (1:23:20) [ASMR]
- Comic Book Haul #35: CGC Graded Golden Age Good Girl (14:56) + Many 25 Cent Bargain Comics [ASMR]
- Comic Book Haul #36: Graded Silver Age Superheroes, Golden Age Walt Disney & Pulp Magazines [ASMR]
- Comic Book Haul #37: EC Archives, Graphic Novels, Star Wars, Bible, Manga, Aliens, Predator, Judge Dredd and Superheroes [ASMR]
- Comic Book Haul #38: Dave Stevens Good Girl, Foom, Overstreet Price guides, Cheech Wizard/Hippie [ASMR]
- Comic Book Haul #39: Golden/Silver/Copper Age, Atlas/Marvel/X-Men, Kirby/Simon/Lee/Claremont [ASMR]
- CGC Golden Age Comic Book Haul & Packaging Anniversary Auctioned Items [ASMR, Soft-Spoken, Tape]
- Comic Book Haul #41: Silver, Bronze & Modern Age Comics, Large ebay Buy, Cerebus, TMNT, Batman, Image, Valiant, Independents [ASMR Unboxing]
- Comic Book Haul #42: Two eBay Buys: CGC Golden Age, & Silver & Modern Age Comics [ASMR Unboxing]
- Comic Book Haul (starts at 7:00): Follow-up to Comic Haul #41, Random Package [ASMR Unboxing]
- Comic Book Haul #43: Huge Valiant Comics Buy: Bloodshot, X-O Manowar, Rai, Shadowman [ASMR UnBoxing]
- Comic Book Haul: Finally Receiving the 13 Comic Books that Were Missing from Comic Haul #41 [ASMR]
- Comic Book Haul #44: Original Art, CGC Graded Golden Age, Romance, Western, Crime, Sports [ASMR]
- Comic Book Haul #45: CGC Golden Age Comics, Modern Independent Horror, Investing Discussion [ASMR]
- Comic Book Haul #46: CGC Modern Age, GGA Good Girl Art, Dave Stevens, Marvel Silver Age [ASMR]
- Comic Book Haul #47: 112 comics, Bronze & Modern Age, American Flagg, Starman, Strangers in Paradise
- Comic Book Haul #48 & a Care Package: 144+ Comics, Randoms & Runs, Independents & DC & Marvel [ASMR]
- Comic Book Haul #49: Modern CGC Graded, Terry Moore's Strangers in Paradise, Unboxing (16:49) [ASMR]
- Comic Book Haul #50: Two Modern Age CGC Graded Comics, Dave Stevens Good Girl Science-Fiction [ASMR]
- Comic Book Haul #51: Terry Moore's Rachel Rising & Hulk Comics, Independent & Marvel Comics [ASMR]
- Comic Book Haul #52: Horror, Humor, CGC Graded Modern Age and Independent Anthology [ASMR]
- Comic Book Haul #53: Care Package, Modern & Bronze Age Comic Books & Collectable Cards [ASMR]
- Comic Book Haul #54: Coup D'Etat, The Assassination of John F. Kennedy Trading Cards, Eclipse [ASMR]
- Comic Book Haul #55: Rotten to the Core Trading Cards, Rudolph Giuliani, Donald Trump, 1989 [ASMR]
- Comic Book Haul #56 & #57: More Drug War Trading Cards and Terry Moore's Rachel Rising
- Comic Book Care-Package, Haul #58: Mad Golden Age Humor! [ASMR]
- Comic Book Haul #59: Rotten to the Core Trading Cards, Rudolph Giuliani, Donald Trump, 1989 [ASMR]
- Comic Book Haul #60: What I've Been Buying, Reading Excerpts, Comic Book Pull List, Show & Tell [ASMR]
- Comic Book Haul #61: Rotten to the Core Trading Cards, Rudolph Giuliani, Donald Trump, 1989 [ASMR]
- Two Short Video Segments: Bad Trips and Comic Book Haul #62
- Comic Book Haul #63: Walt Disney's Donald Duck, Canadian Golden Age Western, Ditko, Frazetta [ASMR]
- Three Video Segments: Patio Garden, Grapevine canopy and a Comic Book Care-Package: Comic Book Haul #64
- Comic Book Haul #65: Raw Copper Age Indies and Two CGC Graded Comics [ASMR]
- Comic Book Haul #66: Three Modern Age CGC Graded Comics Plus JFK Assassination Trading Cards [ASMR]
- Comic Book Haul #67: Rotten To The Core Trading Cards, Donald Trump Rookie Card, Eclipse Comics 1989
- Comic Book Haul #68: Rotten To The Core Trading Cards, Donald Trump Rookie [ASMR Personal Finance]
- Two Video Segments: Comic Book Haul #69 and Human Artifacts Worth Investing In
- Comic Book Haul #70: CGC Graded Modern Age Sandman & Rotten to the Core Political Trading Cards ASMR
- Comic Book Haul #71: Rotten to the Core & Bush League Trading Cards, Donald Trump Rookie Card [ASMR]
- Comic Book Haul #72: Trouble with Girls, Malibu/Eternity/Marvel/Epic Comics [ASMR, Show & Tell]
- Six Video Segments: Cigar Humidor, Conan, Schwarzenegger, eBay, Taxes and Comic Book Haul #73
- Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Cards Collection Buy: How To Tell the Real From the Fake [ASMR Show & Tell, Haul]
- YuGiOh Trading Cards Collection: OG First Editions & Fake Packs, Real vs Reprint, Yu-Gi-Oh! [ASMR]
- Comic Book Haul #74: Savage Sword of Conan, Batman, Epic, Dune and more [ASMR Comics]
- Comic Book Haul #75: EC Comics, Al Columbia, Hulk & Golden Age Crime, Romance & Western [ASMR]
- Comic Book Haul #76: Remo Williams/The Destroyer, Conan and Punisher, Marvel Comics [Happy ASMR]
- Comic Book Haul #77: Golden Age Romance & Good Girl, Silver Age Superhero, Modern Metal & MTG [ASMR]
- Comic Book Haul #78, Original Art: Khoi Pham, Johnnie Christmas & Djibril Morissette-Phan [ASMR]
- Comic Book Haul #79: Original Art, Khoi Pham & Tom Grummett, Avengers & Aquaman [ASMR Comics]
- Comic Book Haul #80: Lonely Piggy Care Package, CGC Graded Modern Age [Happy ASMR]
- Comic Book Haul #81: Political Trading Cards, Eclipse Comics, First Two Trump Rookie Cards [ASMR]
- Comic Book Haul #82: Political Trading Cards, Eclipse Comics, First Three Trump Rookie Cards [ASMR]
- Comic Book Haul #83: Political Trading Cards, Eclipse Comics, Trump Rookie Card, JFK, History [ASMR]
- Comic Book Haul #84: Trading Cards, Assassination of John F. Kennedy JFK, Marilyn Monroe [ASMR]
- Comic Book Haul #85: Famous Comic Book Creators Trading Cards #1-110 + Promos, Eclipse Comics [ASMR]
- Comic Book Haul #86: Famous Comic Book Creators Trading Card, Box/Packs, 1992, Eclipse Comics [ASMR]
- Two Video Segments: Comic Book Haul #87 and Al Capone [ASMR]
- Two Video Segments: Comic Book Haul #88 Part 1 & 2: UK Marvel, Tales of Suspense, Will Eisner, Jack Kirby, Dave Stevens, Original Art & Portfolios
- Two Video Segments: Comic Book Haul #89 and the Roots of War
- Comic Book Haul #90: Spiderman, Dave Stevens, Shadowman, Swamp Thing, Watchmen, Valiant Comics, Superman & More [ASMR]
- Comic Book Haul #91: Trading Cards, Spider-Gwen, Terminator, Mask, Swamp Thing, Civil War, Batman and more [ASMR]
- Comic Book Vinyl LP Haul 92: Jim Woodring, House Mystery/Secrets, Palestine, Green Lantern, JLA....
- Comic Book Haul #93: Golden to Modern Age, Huge Buy [ASMR]
- Comic Book Haul #94: Chester Brown’s Yummy Fur, Joe Matt's Peepshow, Black Panther, Inhumans, Jim Woodring [ASMR]
- Comic Book Haul #95... Four Video Segments: Operation Paperclip, Animation Recommendation, Comic Book Haul #95 and Today’s Snack
- Two Video Segments: Diamond Comics Distribution Declares Bankruptcy and Comic Book Haul #96
IV. Investing in Comic Books
- ASMR MATH: Investing in Comic Books: A Primer and Two Spreadsheets, Introduction, How to
- Investing in Comic Books: Return on Investment (ROI) for 1st Comic Book Haul [ASMR Personal Finance]
V. Collections, Reviews, Recommendations, Stories, and Selling
- Let Me Show You My Comic Book Collection (January 2015)
- How and Why I Buy Comic Books: Collecting, Investing, and Reading: Let’s Check out the Comic Book Collection I Bought on Ebay
- Reading Comics, Overview of Set #2: Review and Recommendations
- Comic Book Reviews and Recommendations: Eternal Warrior #1 to #8, Valiant Comics
- Reading Comics, Introduction to Set #3: Review and Recommendations
- Comic Books I’ve Been Reading: What’s in My Pull List: Reviews and Recommendations
- Comic Book Update: Tokyo Ghost Added to My Pull List, and Archer & Armstrong Paraphernalia
- Reading Comics: Update for the next Reading Set, and More
- How I Store My Comics: How to Manage Your Comic Book Collection
- Reading Comics, Introduction to Set #4, Part 1: My Picks, 16 Books
- What Should We Read? Let Me Show You More of My Comic Book Collection
- The Books That Started My Life as a Lover and Collector of Comic Books, Persian/Farsi Tintin
- Comic Books We Will Be Reading for Set #4: 32 Books
- Comic Book Reviews and Recommendations: Valiant Comics, Eternal Warrior, Rai, War Mother, Harbinger, Generation Zero, Bloodshot, Divinity, Britannia, A&A, Ninjak, and Savage
- Comic Book Reviews and Recommendations: Variety of Publishers: Black, Sabretooth Dan, Terminarch, Tank Girl, Betty Boop, Batman/Lobo, Black Hammer, Chimichanga, Hillbilly, Motor Girl, Motro, Cage, Animosity, Alters, American Monster, Black-Eyed Kids
- Roy Thomas on Conan the Barbarian, the Comics Code and Censorship: My Savage Sword of Conan Collection
- The Demise of the Comics Code Authority and Censorship: Why Comic Books Are Seeing a Resurgence
- Comics Code Authority (CCA): SOTI Comics and the 1954 Code Criteria for Censoring Comic Books
- Comic Haul, Rotating the Art, Review of Monstress, Few Posters from Slaine: The Horned God, and One of My Favorite Comic Book Covers
- CGC Comic Book Haul: Primer To Investing in Comics: My Graded Comic Book Collection
- The Story of When I Had the Chance to Buy Amazing Spider-Man #1
- Let's Talk about Conflict in Comics and the Comic Book Industry, Twitch Live Stream, Workshop
- Comic Books I’ve Been Pulling and Reading, My Weekly Pull List, Live Stream
- Comic Book History: Mermaid Publications and the i4Ni and Go-Go Boy Comic Book Series [ASMR Stories]
- Post-Mermaid Publications and the i4Ni and Go-Go Boy Comic Book Series Live Stream Discussion [ASMR]
- Monopoly Stats, Creating a Table, Trading Options, Comic Books Reads Reviews [ASMR]
- Comic Books with Stream of Consciousness Narrative Mode, Reviews & Recommendations, and Math [ASMR]
- Comic Book Reads, Reviews, Recommendations and Discussion, and Some Math [ASMR, Valiant Comics]
- Touching Base: Our Schedule for the Rest of the Year, Some Music, & Comic Books from Mermaid Publications [ASMR]
- Comic Book Reads, Reviews, and Recommendations: The Epic Of Gilgamesh, Origin of Magnus Robot Fighter, Random Reads, Free Comic Book Day Comics, and True Believers [ASMR]
- Collecting Comic Books Doesn't Have to Be Expensive: How to Start & Build Your Comic Book Collection
- Comic Books I've Been Reading, Pulling, and Thinking about Buying
- Comic Books I'm Planning on Listing on ebay in the Next Few Months - Show & Tell begins @ 26:26 [ASMR]
- Packaging Comic Books to Send in the Mail: Shipping Off Our First Set of Go-Go Boy Comics [ASMR]
- Let's Talk About Comic Books and Other Things (Comics Discussion Begins at 18:20, ASMR)
- How to List Comic Books on eBay, How I'm Doing It, Intro Begins at 13:55 [ASMR]
- Listing Comic Books on ebay: Infinity Gauntlet #1, Silver Surfer #50, i4ni, Lobo #1, Mortal Coil [ASMR]
- Superman, Batman & Go-Go Boy: Listing Comic Books on eBay Begins at 53:00 [WARNING: Loud Noise at 2:25:00]
- Silver Surfer, Infinity Gauntlet/Thanos, Hulk, X-Men, Sandman/Death: Listing Comic Books on eBay [ASMR]
- First Carnage Appearances in The Amazing Spider-man #344, #361: Listing Comic Books on eBay [ASMR]
- Rai, Bloodshot, Eternal Warrior, Infinity Gauntlet, Venom, Carnage, Lobo, Archer & Armstrong: Listing Comic Books on eBay Starts at 25:10 [ASMR]
- What I Thought about the First Bloodshot Trailer, and Some Valiant Comic Book History
- Comic Book Review (8:49) & Haul (34:30) Live Stream - Sound Fixed at (4:17) [ASMR]
- Let's Spend a Couple of Hours Listing Comic Books on eBay: Venom, Monstress, Spawn [ASMR]
- Comic Book Haul & Review: Monk!, Monstress, Black Hammer, Superman, Amazing Spider-man #361 [ASMR]
- Review of "Monk!: Thelonious, Pannonica, and the Friendship Behind a Musical Revolution" by Youssef Daoudi [ASMR, Comic Books]
- Two of My Favorite Comic Books of the Decade: Fall of Harbinger & Bloodshot, Book of Death, Valiant
- Using ebay's Seller Protection Program: How It Worked for Me, Selling Comic Books [ASMR]
- Some of the Comic Books We've Bought Over the Last Few Years: Show & Tell Begins @ 12:40 [ASMR Haul]
- Grading Comic Books: Live Stream Discussion, Grading Superman #37 (1945) & Other Comics [ASMR Scale]
- Recommendation on How to Experience the Full Glory of the Comic Book Medium: How to Get into Comics
- Political Comic Book Recommendations [See Links to Comics Articles in Description]
- My Comic Book Pull List: Cutting Back on Comics While We Resist Fascism, Update From Canada [ASMR]
- Comic Book Update: No More Pull List at My Local Comic Shop [ASMR]
- Twitch Points Comic Books Auction #15: Amazing Spider-man #361, First Appearance Carnage, Marvel
- Comic Books I’ve Been Reading for the Last Few Weeks [ASMR]
- Four Video Segments: Cigar, Gardening, Music and Comic Books (Comic Books: Huge Respect for Gary Thomas Washington’s A Boy and His Bot Holiday Special, Iron Giant)
- Two Video Segments: Comic Book Community and Covid Mask Mandates
- Three Video Segments: Accepting Mistakes, Mental Illness and Naughty Bits #39 Comic Book Cover
- Two Video Segments: “The Man Who Couldn’t Stop” and My Comic Shop Doesn’t List or Carry Chester Brown’s Yummy Fur
- Four Video Segments: ... Comic Book Discussion: Heroes and Villains
VI. Articles
- Betrayal, Freedom and Justice: Forces of Order, Why V Embraced Anarchy (excerpts from Alan Moore and David LLoyd’s ‘V for Vendetta’)
- May I Recommend a Post-apocalyptic Movie, a Brilliant Thesis about Society: Joon-ho Bong’s ‘Snowpiercer’, Based on the French Graphic Novel ‘le Transperceneige’
- From the Pages of Barry Ween: What We Would All Like to Do and Say to the Minions of the Surveillance State
- “Pretending that one can dissociate torture from war or abjection from massacre is the lie of the powerful”, ‘Ordinary Victories’ by Manu Larcenet
- The Beauty and Brilliance of Grant Morrison’s 'Doom Patrol', Introducing Mr. Nobody: a Savior, a Monster, an Act of Sacrilege, Dada
- Schooling Superman on Totalitarianism: Superman and The Flash have a discussion about gun control while playing chess
- In Recognition of Endless Wars and Those Who Profit From Them: The Savage Sword of Conan
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