Friday, May 25, 2012

Exercises and Solutions

NOTE: Some of the Exercises and Solutions have been restored on our Patreon Page, apologies about not having them sorted, well be doing that at a future date: Uploading the Exercises and Solutions for the first part of Series I of The Language of Mathematics (Part 1) [UPDATE]

Unfortunately Google decided to no longer support Picasa where all the exercises and solutions were being hosted. I will provide updated links to the images as soon as possible. If you are looking for these please let me know and I'll get them done sooner rather than later, i.e, I'll move them up on my to do list. Thanks.

Below you will find the exercises and solutions available for The Language of Mathematics. Over time, more will be added and those in draft form will be finalized.

Please keep in mind that like most people, I am prone to making silly mistakes, so please take the answers with a grain of salt. Corrections and suggestions are always welcome.
  • Series I - Description, Videos.
  • Series II - Description, Videos.
  • Series IIIa - Description, Videos.
  • Series IIIb - Description, Videos.
  • Series IV (open)

  • Series I

    - Link to restored files on Patreon

      Section 2: The Real Number Set [RESTORED]

      Section 4: Basic Operations [RESTORED]

      Section 5: Prime Numbers [RESTORED]

      Section 6: Fractions [RESTORED]

      Section 7: Trigonometry

      Section 8: Basic Geometry

      Section 9: Coordinate Geometry

      Section 10: Proofs

    Series II

      Section 1: Exponents and Radicals

    Series IIIa

        - No exercises available for this series at the moment.

    Series IIIb

        - No exercises available for this series at the moment.

    Series IV

        - No exercises available for this series at the moment.


    1. exercise not working... please help...

      1. I'm sorry, when google took down one of their services the exercises got taken down. I haven't had time to put them back up :(
