Discussion begins at approximately 8 minutes into the video:
- Investing and Personal Finance #3: Live Stream Open Discussion, Sunday, Dec 30, 2018 [ASMR]
- Investing and Personal Finance #3: Live Stream Open Discussion, Sunday, Dec 30, 2018 [ASMR]
- Link to video on Bitchute: Year End Open Discussion on Politics, Economics, Time, Life, Universe, Mathematics and More: Twitch Live Stream, December 28, 2018
Patreon Post: Next Three Live Streams: Politics and Economics (Dec 28), Investing and Personal Finance (Dec 30), and Entheogens (Jan 2) Twitch Channel: twitch.tv/chycholive 1) Politics and Economics, Year End Review: Open Discussion: Friday, December 28, 2018, 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM PST 2) Investing and Personal Finance: Open Discussion: Sunday, December 30, 2018, 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM PST 3) Open Discussion on Entheogens: Wednesday, January 2, 2019, 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM PST
1) Day 1 of 3: Twitch Live Stream, December 22, 2018My Twitch Channel available at: twitch.tv/chycholive.
2) Day 2 of 3: Twitch Live Stream, December 23, 2018
3) Day 3 of 3: Twitch Live Stream, December 24, 2018
We'll look at some of the basics as well as talk a little strategy. Here is my backgammon playlist on YouTube where we've already taken a look at my board, played a few games, as well as looked at the probability distribution of dice.1) Let's Play Backgammon, Day 1 of 3: Saturday, Dec 22, 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM PST 2) Let's Play Backgammon, Day 2 of 3: Sunday, Dec 23, 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM PST 3) Let's Play Backgammon, Day 3 of 3: Monday, Dec 24, 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM PST Patreon Post: Next Three Live Streams: Three Days of Backgammon, Dec 22, 23, and 24 Twitch Channel: twitch.tv/chycholive Live Streams Page
- Link to video on Bitchute: Politics and Economics: Open Discussion, Session #9, Deplatforming, SJWs, Fascism and more: Twitch Live Stream, December 15, 2018
Twitch Channel: twitch.tv/chycholive
- Let's Do Some Math #18: The Mathematics and Physics of Cliff Jumping and Asteroids [ASMR]See the ASMR Math Page and the Live Streams Page for additional information and videos. See Table of Contents for additional material related to ASMR, the Language of Mathematics and Math in Real Life.
Patreon Post: Next Three Live Streams: Mathematics, Making Food in the Kitchen, and Politics and Economics Twitch Channel: twitch.tv/chycholive 1) Let's Do Some Math, Open Discussion [ASMR]: Wednesday, Dec 12, 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM PST 2) Let’s Make Some Food Using the Dried Mint We Harvested This Year: Thursday, Dec 13, 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM PST 3) Open Discussion: Politics and Economics [ASMR]: Saturday, Dec 15, 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM PST
- Link to video on Bitchute: Open Discussion on Relationships, Human Interaction, and Life
Twitch Channel: twitch.tv/chycholive Details: Open Discussion on Relationships, Human Interaction: Thursday, Dec 6, 8:00 PM - 10:00 PM PST - During the last few streams one of the questions that has been popping up, or one that has stood out for me, has been if I had any advice for people looking to find someone to connect with on an intimate level. I thought we would open the discussion and go beyond the intimate, let's talk about human interaction. Let's see if we can ease some of the anxiety regarding relationships.